In today’s economic environment, you may decide you have to
work beyond the "normal" retirement age. Here's how extending your
work life can affect your taxes and retirement benefits.

* Earnings limit
If you're working, you probably should forgo the early
payment option. Benefits received before full retirement age will be reduced by
$1 for every $2 earned over an annual limit (currently $15,120). However, you
will receive a compensating increase when you do reach full retirement age, and
your payments will not be reduced thereafter no matter how much you earn.
* Taxable benefits
Whether or not you draw benefits, you'll continue to pay
social security and Medicare taxes on any income you earn from wages or
self-employment. Up to 85% of your benefits may become subject to income tax,
depending on the amount of your other income.
* Medicare
Medicare eligibility begins the year you reach age 65. The
program encompasses four types of coverage: Medicare A (hospital insurance),
Medicare B (general medical insurance), Medicare C (Medicare Advantage), and
Medicare D (prescription drug coverage).
It's wise to sign up for Medicare A as soon as you're
eligible. There's generally no cost, and the program provides supplemental
coverage even if you're already insured at work. Medicare B and D are neither
free nor mandatory, but the monthly premiums are reasonable, and either may be
used as a stand-alone program or in conjunction with a private plan. If you
have "creditable coverage" at work (i.e., coverage that's at least as
good as Medicare), you can postpone signing up for Medicare B and/or D until
you're no longer employed.
Your employer's plan also may offer Medicare C, which
provides for private programs administered under contract with the government.
These plans typically merge Medicare A and B benefits with other coverage.
Working beyond retirement age can require several complex
decisions. Call us for help with planning the outcome that's best for you.