A recent study conducted by Harris Interactive of 1,000
middle class individuals aged 25 to 75 revealed some interesting statistics about
retirement attitudes.
Among the survey's findings:
* 37% of respondents say they don't expect to retire;
instead they expect to work until they are too sick or die.
* 59% said retirement is not their top priority; their
priority is paying day-to-day bills.

* 31% in the 40 to 59 age category say they have a
retirement plan; 69% say they have no plan.
* Those who say they have a written plan say they have saved
a median of $63,000 for retirement, which represents about
of their retirement savings goal of $200,000.
without a written plan say they have saved $20,000 or 10% of their goal.
* A third of those surveyed said that social security would
be their primary source of income in retirement.
* 40% said a large unexpected health care expense was their
greatest retirement fear; 37% said lower or no social security benefits was
their biggest fear.
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